Showing posts tagged with status page

in project, Statusy, status page, hosted status page

After starting Bitkumo I quickly came to the realization that hosted status pages were far too expensive for what they were. The main players right now want upwards of $30-40 per month for what is mostly a static website. This is far too much for a company that is just getting started - in the early stages $30-40 could be difference between profit and loss.

Upon realizing there was a major gap in the hosted status page market, Lev Lazinksiy, Ricardo Feliciano and I started working on a product to fill that gap, Statusy.

We started working on Statusy in mid-January earlier this year, and I am very pleased to announce that Statusy is open to the world in an early release state.

Statusy homepage

Our mission with Statusy was twofold:

  1. Make an excellent hosted status page that truly met all the needs of our potential customers
  2. Make it affordable enough for even early stage startups to afford

I am please to say we have succeeded on both fronts.

Statusy offers almost all of the features of other providers including:

  • Customization - Logos, CSS, domains
  • Social integration - Twitter for now, but more to come
  • Redundancy - All of our infrastructure is fully redundant, your status page will be there when you need it most
  • Teams - No need to share one login, we offer team accounts so any member of your team can update your status page
  • Extensible - We have launched with a robust RESTful API so you don't even need to log in to report things

We have managed to offer all of this for just $10.00 per month, this is nearly 66% off the price of other providers.

Sample Statusy status page

That being said - it would be excellent if you were to give Statusy a try.

We consider Statusy to be in an early release state so we are primarily looking for feedback. If you give Statusy a try and have any feedback please feel free to add it via the in-app feedback button in the bottom-right corner, or via email to

Thanks for reading!