I've been pleasantly surprised with the amount of positive response I received after introducing Space in a previous post, so much so that it really inspired me to keep working on the project.
Over the past week, I've been living and breathing Space, and I am very happy to say I have made a great deal of progress.
I'd like to take a moment to go over some of the biggest changes:
- The UI - The old UI was just plain on Bootstrap and it looked pretty bad in my opinion. I decided to revamp this and make this project look like something out of 2015. The image above is the dashboard, below is the new server list:
With that, I'm certain you've spotted the next major feature - DigitalOcean and Linode support. You can now add in your API key for either service provider and create Droplets and or Linodes right from Space.
Lastly, the installation scripts have been improved (in that they actually work now). There are some issues here and there, but they can resolved fairly easily. In addition, I rewrote the README to include more useful information about problems you may have while installing and using Space.
I'd also like to note I've made a website for this project over at https://spacepanel.io. In the future I would like to move announcements to the Space website directly, but for the time being I'll continue making them here.
As always, if you have any trouble with Space, or if you have questions, comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks for reading!